

Real AI: Perfecting your prompts, AI Newsbytes, headlines, fast facts, and AI quote of the week
Real AI is a 100% human-created weekly roundup of all things AI in real estate and emerging AI innovations in other sectors likely to impact real estate. Better AI: Perfecting your prompts When working with AI chatbots, there's one golden rule: garbage in, garbage out. If you feed your bot ambiguous or half-baked prompts, you'll get suspect results. The key to AI mastery lies in crafting prompts that are incredibly specific and detailed so that the output can't help but shine. Think of it like ordering at a deli. If you mumble "sandwich," you might end up with mystery meat on stale bread. But if you ask for a "toasted sourdough club with crispy bacon, romaine lettuce, heirloom tomatoes, and a light spread of avocado mayo"? Now we're talking. The same principle applies to AI. The more specific you are in your prompts, the more likely you will be surprised and delighted by the results. Don't be afraid to go into excruciating detail about what you want – any top chatbot can handle it. But here's the thing: even with a great prompt, you can't just accept the first output and call it a day. Here's Hawkins AI rule No. 1: constantly iterate. The first result is rarely the best, so keep pushing. Clarify your prompt, ask for revisions, suggest additions, and don't settle until you get the output you need. And here's a pro tip: if you're struggling to perfect your prompt, ask the chatbot for help. These AI assistants are getting wicked smart and can often suggest ways to rework your prompt for better results. So, whether you're using AI to assist with writing content, brainstorming ideas, or analyzing data, remember: specificity is your friend, iteration is non-negotiable, and when in doubt, ask your chatbot for help. AI Newsbytes The honeymoon with AI is over. A new poll by the Artificial Intelligence Policy Institute says a majority of Americans are worried about AI risks: 62% said they are "somewhat or mostly concerned" about AI, compared to 21% who said they are "somewhat or mostly excited" about it. These feelings are non-partisan, with 75% of Democrats and Republicans believing AI could eventually pose a threat to the human race and 86% believing AI could cause a catastrophic event. Is AI the new infrastructure? Axios reports a shift from "AI is the new magic" to "AI is the new infrastructure," hoping to combat the negativity building against AI and AI firms. OpenAI hired veteran political consultant Chris Lehane to push this new positioning. AI growth massively outpacing U.S. power capacity. Inc. digs into how AI firms are overcoming power grid limitations, bypassing utilities to build their own power project, or dealing directly with power generators. Echoing the challenges, the WSJ reported this week, "Why the AI Industry's Thirst for Data Centers Can't Be Satisfied." To meet the insatiable demand AI is causing, one startup is building data centers in shipping containers and can drop these portable facilities in remote areas of Texas – or Africa. And finally… Amazon, Anthropic, OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Meta, and other leading AI firms have jointly pledged to ensure their AI tools can't be used to exploit children. Child-safety group Thorn and All Tech Is Human, a non-profit focused on responsible tech, lead the effort. A new white paper, "Safety by Design for Generative AI: Preventing Child Sex Abuse," was released simultaneously with the new pledge. AI Fast Facts About one-in-four jobs in San Jose and San Francisco are tech-related, with over 730,000 tech jobs available – CTIA New York has over 549,000 people working in tech, representing 6% of its workforce – SignalFire Austin's VC-backed tech startups grew their workforces by 23% between 2019 and 2023 – SignalFire More than a third (35%) of the country's AI and machine learning specialists are in the San Fransisco Bay area – SignalFire 60% of job titles in 2018 didn't even exist in 1940, with automation erasing twice as many jobs between 1980 and 2018 as it did between 1940 and 1980 – Quarterly Journal of Economics Sources: Axios and Fast Company AI Headlines – Take 5 CoStar Acquiring Virtual Tour Leader Matterport for $1.6B | 4/23/24 - GlobeStCoStar bought Matterport as a data play and talent acquisition, and will use AI to extract data from its virtual property tours. Will AI Be the Death of Reception? | 4/23/24 - Commercial ObserverWhile AI is being deployed in the reception area, it can't fully replace human contact — for now. These 6 AI Art Generators Produce the Most Photorealistic Results | 4/19/24 - Make Use OfLearn about Adobe Firefly, DALL-E 3, and the other AI Generators that create the most realistic images. Apple bought another AI startup that could help make your iPhone better | 4/22/24 - MSNApple is beefing up its AI Division through the acquisition of Datakalab. AI in real estate: Assessing current and future use cases | 4/22/24 - HousingWireYlopo and real estate pros discussed AI in real estate today and tomorrow onstage at The Gathering in Scottsdale. AI Quote of the Week To view the original article, visit the WAV Group blog.
Tech Helpline: 8 Unexpected Ways They Can Help Agents and Brokers
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the relentless wave of new technology designed to enhance both your work and home life? As a real estate agent, where the boundaries between work and home blur, you are often at the forefront of adopting cutting-edge tools, including artificial intelligence. However, navigating today’s digital landscape can be daunting. What may surprise you is that Tech Helpline, the No. 1 real estate tech support service, offers a broad scope of assistance to help you set up, fix, and troubleshoot not only hardware and software technology related to your work but also your home. From ensuring your family's digital safety to streamlining property showings with the latest smart home devices, comprehensive tech support offers you a lifeline to harness the full potential of these innovations. Let's look at eight unexpected ways Tech Helpline can help you maintain a harmonious balance in your digital life. Parental guidance for safety Balancing your career as an agent and your role as a parent can be challenging, especially when monitoring your children's tech use. You can contact Tech Helpline, which can provide valuable guidance on setting age-appropriate boundaries for all electronic devices. You then can make more informed decisions about the apps and games your children use, even when you're busy with work. Family privacy and social monitoring Keeping your children safe on social media is a top priority, but staying on top of privacy settings and monitoring tools can be time-consuming. Tech Helpline can offer expert advice on effectively monitoring your child's social media activity while respecting their privacy, ensuring that you can protect your family's online safety without compromising your real estate responsibilities. CarPlay and Android Auto support When you're constantly on the road, having a seamless connection between your smartphone and your car's smart system is essential. These apps allow you to remain safely connected to email and text. But if you encounter any issues with setting up or using Apple CarPlay or Android Auto, reach out to Tech Helpline, and you’ll be guided through the process, which will help you stay connected and productive while on the go. Smart garage doors Smart garage doors offer security and convenience, but they can sometimes be tricky to install and maintain — especially if they ever need to be reset. Knowing you can get things connected again by calling the Tech Helpline can give you peace of mind and one less thing to worry about in your busy schedule. Help with AI prompts Chatbots like ChatGPT have become go-to tolls for many agents. Chatbots are handy tools for generating content, answering questions, and providing inspiration for your real estate property descriptions and social media posts. However, crafting effective prompts that yield the best results can be challenging. The analysts at Tech Helpline have you covered and can offer guidance on creating prompts that will help you get the most out of these powerful AI tools, streamlining your workflow and boosting your productivity. IoT appliances in the home You likely have encountered sellers with homes featuring smart appliances. However, setting up and troubleshooting these IoT — or Internet of Things — connected items can be complex and time-consuming. By connecting with Tech Helpline, a friendly, patient analyst can assist you with configuring smart home appliances, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. This frees up your time to focus on your clients and listings. Smartwatches – and now rings Many busy real estate agents rely on wearable technology to stay connected and monitor their health on the go. But if you've never owned a smart watch or ring, getting them synchronized and set up initially can be tricky. If you need help getting started and making the most of these powerful tools, Tech Helpline is available to provide the support you need, ensuring that you're always connected and informed every day. Smart home devices Setting up and troubleshooting smart home devices can be time-consuming and complex. Contacting Tech Helpline can help you navigate the setup process for a wide range of smart home devices, from smart speakers to thermostats and doorbells, ensuring everything works properly. Help is available As a real estate agent, technology is integrated into almost everything you do to promote and manage your business. Tech support is no longer an option — it is essential. Your time is valuable, and your tech needs extend far beyond your professional life. Tech Helpline's team of analysts has you covered for your work and home tech needs. If your MLS, state or local association does not currently offer Tech Helpline as a member service, consider reaching out to them and sharing how this valuable benefit could help you balance your professional and personal life while staying on top of the latest technology trends. Tech support can help you balance your professional and personal life while staying on top of the latest technology trends. With Tech Helpline's assistance, you can focus on what matters most: serving your clients and growing your business. Related reads From the Tech Helpline Blog: 10 Things You Can Call Tech Helpline About 7 More Ways Tech Helpline Can Help You 5 Ways Busy Agents Can Ensure Their Children’s Safety in a Digital World 3 Best AI Prompts for Real Estate Agents Tricia Stamper is Director of Technology at Florida Realtors®, which owns both Tech Helpline and Form Simplicity.
Secure Act 2.0 Update
From Inbox to Income: How to Increase Leads and Sustain Business Through Your Email
In today's digital age, where communication is predominantly conducted through electronic means, having a strong online presence (from your website to having an impactful social media presence) is crucial. Mastering the art of email communication can be the difference between thriving and surviving. We've all heard that staying engaged with past clients is one of the best ways for real estate agents to nurture and grow their real estate business. The good news is that there are endless ways to do this — holiday cards, client appreciation events, personalized gifts, and touch-base calls are just a few. But what can move the needle, without using a significant amount of resources? The convenient tool that is accessible right at your fingertips, your inbox! Let's dive into how your inbox can become the powerhouse for nurturing leads and fostering repeat business. Although high-quality graphics and catchy subject lines are important – we're getting real about building genuine connections and making every email count. Your inbox isn't just a tool to nurture the relationships you have, it opens up a world of opportunity to generate new leads as well. Here are a few tips for how to increase leads and sustain business through your email. Tip #1: Reach out and stay in touch, even when things are quiet As a real estate agent, you understand how imperative it is to build connections and keep them alive. Even if your clients are happily settled, a quick email can jog their memory about the incredible service you provided during their house hunt. Who knows? Their Aunt Sally or co-worker might just be the next big lead for your business. By casually reaching out, you stimulate a memory of their interactions with you, reminding them that you helped them during an extremely stressful and pivotal time. Anyone within their immediate sphere of influence then becomes a prospective buyer or seller, capable of perpetuating further lead growth for your business. Tip #2: Utilize real estate email templates Email templates are everywhere. They're like your secret weapon in the battle against time-consuming tasks. With templates for everything from open house invites to community event newsletters, they're a lifesaver. Setting up a drip campaign with these templates can free up hours of your week, leaving you open for those last-minute showings or scouting out new markets. Impactful email templates also give ideas on how to set up an open house invitation, present housing market data, and generate buzz around your brand by using proven design and content strategies with your branding. Tip #3: Don't lose your human touch Authenticity is key. It doesn't matter if you use a template or craft an email from scratch, it's essential to connect with your clients on a human level. Reach out to clients on a personal level – ask about their day, throw in a few emojis, and show them the caring side of your business. Showing empathy, even in an email, is also a great way to build a positive connection. If you decide to use a template, try adding general interest information about home design, the buying process, things to do at home, or anything else that displays you as a thoughtful expert in your area, and ensure the human touch is always present. Tip #4: Engage your audience Don't let your emails become one-way broadcasts. Encourage dialogue and interaction by inviting readers to respond with questions, feedback, or inquiries about properties. You could also incorporate polls, surveys, and quizzes to better understand the needs and priorities of your readers. By fostering two-way communication, you can build stronger relationships and will continue to earn the trust of your audience base. Tip #5: Segment your audience and provide value-driven content Not all contacts are created equal, and treating them as such can lead to missed opportunities. Segment your email list based on factors such as location, buying or selling intent, and stage in the sales cycle. By sending targeted messages to specific segments, you can tailor your content to address the unique needs and interests of each group, increasing engagement and conversion rates. This will also allow you to provide valuable content to each segment. For example, you can utilize your IDX feed to showcase properties to buyers in your segmented lists. Tip #6: Measure and optimize your performance Like any marketing strategy, email marketing requires ongoing monitoring and optimization to maximize its effectiveness. Track key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to gauge the performance of your campaigns. Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, calls-to-action, and content formats to identify what resonates best with your audience. By analyzing your results and making data-driven decisions, you can continuously improve your email marketing efforts and achieve better outcomes over time. Your inbox is a simple yet powerful relationship online tool. It's excellent for engaging established clients, prospecting new buyers/sellers, and just staying generally connected with the homeowner community. Have a strong online presence by having an effective IDX website, have an impactful social media presence, and master the art of email communication and your business will be well on its way to thriving. To view the original article, visit the IDX Broker blog. Related reading 8 Ways to Leverage the Magic of AI for Real Estate Marketing 5 Tips for Better Email Open Rates, Plus PROVEN Plug and Play Subject Lines Friday Freebie: 60-day Trial of Constant Contact's AI-powered Marketing Suite
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CRS Data MLS Tax Suite
Empower your REALTORS® by adding the MLS Tax Suite as a membership benefit. Since 1989, CRS Data has provided you with a wealth of tax data. Our new, customized MLS Tax Suite by CRS Data integrates seamlessly into your MLS system and gives REALTORS® current tax data, detailed maps and robust features on all browsers and devices. Find listings and FSBOs quickly, evaluate them effectively and give clients professional
RPR for Commercial
RPR for Commercial For those specializing in commercial properties, this program providers users comprehensive market data on a single platform. You can search for data by demographic, psychographic, or spending information to identify areas of high concentration of the customers your client is looking to target.  RPR for Commercial also helps business owners find a location based on an analysis of spending data within drive time, radius, or general area. Commercial reports can also be put together in minutes for your client to show trade area, business opportunities chart, or property reports as well.
Get.realtor is your premier destination for revolutionizing your online presence in the real estate industry. We specialize in providing top-level domains such as .realtor™ and .realestate, coupled with cutting-edge website solutions tailored to elevate your business to new heights. At get.realtor we understand the significance of a strong online presence in today's competitive real estate market. Backed by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® our mission is to empower REALTORS®, real estate professionals and businesses by offering them the tools they need to establish a distinctive brand identity and excel in the digital
RPR for Agents
Realtors Property Resource® (RPR) is a national property database from NAR® designed to provide REALTORS® with advanced technology tools and features needed to provide clients and customers with dynamic reports and analytics. These features assist in helping your clients and customers make informed decisions when buying or selling property. The Realtors Property Resource application: Is exclusive technology only for REALTORS Does not allow public or consumer access Is a NAR® member benefit provided at no additional charge With RPR, All REALTORS® can access: Tax assessment and public records on over 150 million parcels of propertyin the U.S. Mortgage and lien information Largest national database by county of foreclosure, pre-foreclosure, REO and default Nationwide school data, test scores and parent reviews  Dynamic mapping: School Zones, Neighborhoods, Zip Codes, Cities, FEMA etc. Geo-spatial data including aerial photography, street level and bird’s eye view Census, demographic and lifestyle data Neighborhood information Comprehensive property and neighborhood reporting If the local MLS has partnered with RPR to include MLS data in the system, REALTORS® will also have access to: MLS active, sold, pending, expired, withdrawn and canceled statuses Historic listing comparison tool Realtor Valuation Model® (RVM®) Refine property facts, comparables and RVM® for custom valuation report Charts and Graphs will include trends calculated from MLS data  RPR also offers Broker branding to help reinforce your brand as part of the Want to get started? Watch this video on creating an
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Industry News

Utility Concierge Rebrands as Move Concierge
Provides comprehensive offerings to simplify home move and relocation services for clients DALLAS -- Utility Concierge has announced that it has rebranded to Move Concierge to better reflect its comprehensive offerings for clients looking to simplify their moving experience. Established in 2009, Utility Concierge has pioneered the industry in connecting new movers with essential services for their home, achieving success by always delivering mind-blowing customer service — a core value since inception. The rebrand to Move Concierge supports the company's continued mission to bring innovative, tailored solutions to clients that exceed utilities and span a broader spectrum of services for new movers. Move Concierge partners with real estate professionals nationwide and empowers them to go above and beyond for their clients by making their move as stress-free as possible. Through Move Concierge, agents can provide clients with one point of contact to set up all of their home services — saving them time, money and stress: Saves time: In one call, Move Concierge manages the connection of utilities, internet, cable, security systems, and much more, which saves the consumer an estimated four to eight hours of phone calls, emails and follow-up. Saves money: Move Concierge's vast network of providers gives clients the freedom of choice to pick the best service providers in their area at the best rates. Drives value for real estate professionals: Move Concierge reaches out as part of the real estate team — elevating the client experience with white-glove service. "We're evolving from Utility Concierge to Move Concierge to better encapsulate the full spectrum of services we provide, far beyond just utilities," said Gabe Abshire, Founder and CEO of Utility Concierge. "This name change reflects our comprehensive approach and our dedication to making every aspect of moving and homeownership as smooth as possible. Since 2009, we've created and led the home service setup industry. We've done that by focusing on taking the stress out of moving. We want to be a 'concierge for life' for both the real estate professionals we partner with and the clients they serve, ensuring that we expertly manage all aspects of home service selections and installations." Move Concierge is leaning into its partnerships with real estate agents to revolutionize the moving process, providing free access to a full range of services for new movers that makes agents shine. "At Move Concierge, we understand the challenges real estate professionals' clients face when relocating," added Jason Lindwall, President of Move Concierge. "Our comprehensive service suite is tailored to ensure a seamless transition, enhancing client satisfaction and freeing the professional to focus on what they do best — selling homes." To learn more about partnering and offering this must-have benefit to your clients, visit GoWithMC.com. About Move Concierge Move Concierge is a revolutionary service for connecting utilities and home services like TV, internet, phone, home automation and security. The company's no-cost, white-glove service provides clients with a personal concierge to customize a whole-home connection plan, place orders and schedule installations for each service — all with a single point of contact. Since its founding in 2009, the company has been dedicated to surpassing great customer service, setting the bar by providing a mind-blowing client experience. Move Concierge was named one of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S. by Inc. Magazine.
Movoto and GreatSchools announce exclusive partnership to bring greater data transparency to home search process
Adwerx Launches Digital Out-of-Home Advertising Solution for Real Estate and Mortgage
First-of-its-kind offering enables advertisers to reach beyond personal screens and engage potential customers in the physical world Durham, NC, April 24, 2024 – Adwerx, a leading provider of automated digital advertising solutions, announces the launch of its innovative Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising product, designed to help real estate and mortgage professionals capture the attention of audiences on the go. Seamlessly integrated into Adwerx's platform, this cutting-edge solution marks the first time an ad platform focused on the Real Estate and Mortgage industries has offered automated DOOH capabilities, providing professionals in these industries an unprecedented opportunity to captivate local audiences with dynamic, targeted advertising. Digital Out-of-Home advertising is the tech-savvy counterpart to traditional billboard advertising, offering ads displayed to viewers outside their homes. It encompasses a variety of formats, including digital billboards, and screens in malls, gyms, restaurants, pharmacies, offices, and more, strategically placed in high-traffic areas to optimize visibility and engagement. Key Benefits of Digital Out-of-Home Advertising with Adwerx: Hyper-local Targeting: With zip code-level precision, professionals can directly target potential clients in specific areas, making every advertising dollar count. High Visibility: Leveraging locations with high foot traffic ensures that advertisements are seen by a large audience, increasing brand awareness and recall. Measurable Impact: DOOH advertising with Adwerx includes analytics showcasing views of the ad placements, allowing advertisers to understand the scale of their campaigns. Easy Execution: Integrated into Adwerx's platform and with access to targeting data and pre-made ad templates, advertisers can build and launch their DOOH ads through self-service tools or with the help of an Adwerx advisor. "Our mission at Adwerx has always been to democratize digital advertising, making it accessible, simple, and effective for our customers," said Michael Collins, CEO of Adwerx. "By introducing Digital Out-of-Home into our media mix, we're opening new channels for our clients to stand out in their local markets, enhancing their visibility and driving real results." When combined with Adwerx's existing suite of solutions, this innovative offering is poised to transform how real estate and mortgage professionals connect with their communities, providing the ability to build their brands and nurture customers both online and offline. For more information on how to take advantage of Digital Out-of-Home advertising with Adwerx, visit our website. About Adwerx Adwerx is an industry-leading digital advertising automation platform that provides personalized, hyper-targeted, and fully automated digital advertising solutions for real estate and mortgage companies. Scalable for businesses of any size, Adwerx executes advertising with the power needed for large enterprises and the simplicity expected for an individual. As a trusted partner to thousands of real estate and mortgage firms and their top producers, Adwerx enables its customers to stay ahead of the competition by reaching new audiences and nurturing existing relationships. For more information about Adwerx and its suite of digital advertising solutions, visit www.adwerx.com.
Realtor.com Calls on Industry to Join Campaign to Stand up for Buyer Representation
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CRS Data (Courthouse Retrieval System)
Empower your REALTORS® by adding the MLS Tax Suite as a membership benefit. Since 1989, CRS Data has provided a wealth of accurate and reliable property data. Our MLS Tax Suite provides customizable and comprehensive access to property records, prospecting tools, neighborhood comparables and extensive mapping layers. We constantly improve our MLS Tax Suite based on user feedback - and then deliver with personable customer
Constant Contact
Constant Contact delivers for the real estate industry with powerful tools to simplify and amplify digital marketing. Whether you’re an agent or a growing firm, our platform is designed to help your business stand out, connect with your audience, and drive real results. Our best-in-class delivery (97%) means your email campaigns reach the inbox—not the spam folder—and our suite of tools allow you to streamline marketing across channels like SMS, social, ads, and events with one platform to accomplish your goals. See what brings thousands of real estate professionals to Constant Contact
Dell Technologies
The tools and expertise you need to do incredible things Dell Technologies stands as an unparalleled technology provider for real estate professionals, whether you are an individual agent, a team leader, or an owner of a multi-office firm. We offer solutions specifically tailored to the unique demands of the real estate industry, Dell Technologies offers a distinctive array of benefits to empower small business owners and entrepreneurs in shaping their digital future and revolutionizing their professional lives. As part of the Dell Technologies family, which encompasses Dell, Dell EMC, Pivotal, RSA, Secureworks, Virtustream, and VMware, customers gain access to the industry's most comprehensive and innovative technology and services portfolio. Put our technology and small business advisory services to work for you with exclusive discounts for RE Technology
VirtualTourCafe embarked on a journey to completely redesign and redevelop the online software to meet the needs of today’s real estate industry as well as the new “Web 3.0” graphical and responsive designed websites. Eight thousand hours of developing later, VirtualTourCafe 3.0 was launched on June 1 st , 2016. The new and improved service offers many new features and benefits for the real estate agent, but more importantly positions VirtualTourCafe for the future! The VirtualTourCafe difference: An integrated easy-to-use modern solution for every real estate agent! Today we are still a small but growing company based in Pleasanton, CA with a small staff and lots of help from our friends, family and business partners. We work with independent contractors, photographers and virtual partners around the world. We are proud of what we have accomplished in such a short time with loyal customers who have been with us from the beginning! We have been able to maintain our values and moral compass pointed in the right direction, while always treating our customers, employees and associates as if they are family, and living life full of love and gratitude, one day at a
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[WATCH] The Future of AI
Intrigued by artificial intelligence? Ever wanted to understand it more deeply? We've got just the overview for you! Last month, RE Technology was joined by Dr. Brons Larson of Dell Technologies for a webinar. Dr. Larson is an applied mathematician with a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence who has worked with AI for two decades. Dr. Larson took us on a fascinating journey, explaining the origins of AI, where it's at now, and where it's headed in the future. Webinar attendees were treated to a discussion that ranged from complexity to how AI learns to the ethics of AI — and, yes, how advancements may impact real estate professionals in the future. So if you want to deepen your knowledge of this rapidly changing technology (and sound much smarter at cocktail parties), watch the full webinar below: Webinar Guests Dr. Brons Larson, AI Ecosystems Lead, Dell Technologies Sara Nauert, Strategic Partnerships and Business Development Analyst, Dell Technologies Moderator: Marilyn Wilson, Co-founder and President, RE Technology Video Timeline 0:00 - Moderator Marilyn Wilson introduces the topic and panelist. 0:54 - Dr. Brons Larson shares his background as an applied mathematician with a Ph.D. in artificial intelligence who has worked in the AI field for 20 years. 2:00 - Dr. Larson offers a snapshot of what AI at Dell Technologies means today. 2:53 - How AI is categorized into three broad areas within Dell. 4:35 - A snapshot of Dell's current AI projects. 8:35 - What's next for AI? An overview of the first, second, and probable third waves of AI. 12:24 - Dr. Larson references quotes from experts, including DARPA's view that AI is essentially a bunch of spreadsheets, and Jeffrey Hinton's suggestion to "throw it all away and start over." 14:47 - Why is a third wave of AI needed? 22:57 - An overview of AI challenges. 25:24 - How human learning differs from how AI learns. 30:45 - How does third wave AI work? 32:15 - What will launch the third wave of AI? 33:45 - Third wave AI offers up an immense opportunity. 36:39 - Impact of shifting from second to third wave AI. 39:05 - Third wave AI and creativity: Will AI replace creative professionals? 42:29 - Sara Nauert shares Dell Technology offers available to RE Technology readers. 44:08 - Dr. Larson answers questions on how AI will impact the real estate industry. Next Steps For questions or more information on Dell Technologies, contact [email protected] Learn more about special offers from Dell for RE Technology readers Watch more webinars
3 Must-Read Tips for Building a Digital Brand Identity as an Agent
Creating a digital brand identity as a real estate agent has never been a more important component of the business. Both buyers and sellers spend ample time researching potential agents online long before they make any decisions about who will represent them in the home transaction, typically between six months to a year before they actually hire someone. At the same time, it's never been more difficult to craft a distinct brand as an agent, one that prospective buyers and sellers can trust and understand. There are no doubt a lot of agents competing with you in your market, and standing out from the crowd can be a challenge for even the best agents. In a webinar from October 31, 2023, Marilyn Wilson, President of RE Technology, sat down with John Adams, President of Adams, Cameron & Co., and Peter Newton, President of Big Rock Consulting Group, to talk about actionable ways agents can craft their unique brand identity. Watch the video to get the full experience; meanwhile, here are some between-the-lines takeaways from their presentation. 1. Digital reach matters more than physical distance Buying physical advertising on billboards, park benches, or newspapers has been a tried-and-true tactic that many agents have used to establish and spread their brand identity. However, these days, people who buy a new house are moving farther and farther away from their current residence: up to 50 miles, compared to up to 15 miles in previous years. If the billboard ads are working for you, that's great, but remember that there could be potential clients who are miles away from the places you would most likely post a physical ad. Building a digital brand identity will help you to both cement trust locally and generate leads from outside your immediate area. 2. Working with a high-profile brokerage can give you a head start Both buyers and sellers want to work with agents who have an established brand. For newer agents who don't have as much experience, or even for seasoned agents who appreciate the additional leverage, working with a brokerage that aligns with your brand identity and that has done its own work to market and advertise itself can help provide a boost to your own reach. 3. Be ubiquitous and consistent It takes a certain number of impressions before an individual member of your audience will be able to remember who you are and what you do. That's not an indication that your brand needs improvement; rather, it's proof of how inundated everybody is with information all day, every day, and how consistent and persistent messaging can help cut through the noise to reach your target audience. With that in mind, it's smart to diversify your marketing efforts just like you would an investment portfolio. Create content that consistently showcases you as a real estate expert in your niche for different channels. If you make a neighborhood guide video for your website, ask yourself how you can slice it up and reuse it not just on Facebook, but also YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and other social media platforms that support video sharing. To learn more about how to establish a niche for yourself and the five steps of building a brand, watch the full presentation. Related reading Real Estate Branding: 6 Steps for Agent Success How to Humanize Your Digital Business A Step-by-Step Guide to Branding Your Business
Mastering Real Estate Marketing in 2023: Back to the Basics
When home sales decline in a market, it may feel natural to pull back on spending to conserve your resources. But is that really the right approach? Instead, top agents take the opposite tack: they get even more aggressive on promotion because they know their competitors are cutting back. This leaves an opportunity for top agents to expand their presence. Then, when the housing market turns favorable again, they can come out stronger than ever. Fortunately, you don't have to spend a ton on promotions to be successful. In a recent webinar, we learned how to act strategically to market yourself to sellers and give your listings a virtual advantage. Watch the webinar recording to learn more: Webinar Guests Michael Vervena, VP of Sales and Marketing, Planitar, Inc. Moderator: Marilyn Wilson, Co-founder and President, RE Technology Video Timeline 0:00 - Moderator Marilyn Wilson introduces the topic and panelist. 3:40 - Michael Vervena talks about current market challenges. 6:55 - Buyers and sellers are starting their real estate journey online. 8:35 - What do home sellers expect from a real estate professional? 11:27 - Meeting home buyers' expectations. 17:35 - How to give your online listings a virtual advantage. 22:03 - Technology that provides accurate and reliable data to meet buyers' expectations. 42:20 - Strategies for sharing your listings on social media. 43:11 - How to demonstrate your value by showing your client what you did for them. 48:35 - What makes iGuide unique, and how it helps your marketing strategy. Next Steps To learn more about iGuide, visit GoiGUIDE.com To find a service provider in your area, visit goiguide.com/residential-real-estate Read articles about Virtual Tours, Floor Plans, and Online Marketing Explore more Virtual Tour, Floor Plan, and Online Marketing solutions in our Product Directory Watch more webinars
Online Marketing Boot Camp: Don't Be the Invisible Agent
Can your ideal clients find you online? Making your business visible to potential leads isn't as simple as throwing up a real estate website. Online marketing isn't like Field of Dreams — if you build it, they may not necessarily come. They will, however, come if you undertake a consistent marketing strategy. And it doesn't even have to be complex or time-consuming. The key is cross-promoting your marketing content across various platforms so that you reach consumers wherever they are. We learned all about this in a recent webinar. Watch the recording below to find out how easy it is to get started with an online marketing strategy that puts your business in front of your ideal clients. Webinar Guest Brandon Zwingman, National Business Development Consultant, Elm Street Technology Video Timeline 0:00 - Host Brandon Zwingman introduces himself and the webinar topic. 4:11 - The top five online platforms that most agents aren't using in their online strategy. 6:37 - Email marketing: what kind of emails to leverage, how to use them, and what content to include. 18:05 - Blogging: the benefits to SEO, your online visibility, and how to promote. 20:13 - Facebook: Business pages, how often to post, the most valuable types of posts. 33:33 - LinkedIn: "The silent powerhouse" for real estate marketing. 40:00 - Your website: your central place to be found on the internet. 44:22 - The key to effective social media marketing. 47:08 - The way consumers search has changed. 48:00 - Local ranking factors on Google. 49:37 - Setting up your Google Business Page. 53:00 - The importance of your online brand. 56:27 - Money making goals to set for your online reputation. 1:00:41 - A look at how OutboundEngine can simplify your online marketing strategy. 1:14:58 - Go to bit.ly/profilereach to see how your business is displayed online. Next Steps Visit OutboundEngine.com to learn more Read articles about Online Marketing, or explore more Online Marketing solutions in our Product Directory Watch more webinars Register for our upcoming webinar, Real Estate Marketing in 2023: Focus on the Fundamentals
[WATCH] The Ultimate Lead Generation Machine: How to Keep Your Repeat and Referral Gears Turning
Did you know that 67% of all real estate leads come from repeat and referral clients? To help our readers learn to nurture this side of your business, we recently co-hosted a webinar with Morris Marketing Group. Webinar attendees learned the latest research on lead generation and conversion, as well as answers to the following questions: Where do the best leads come from? Who is converting them? What is their strategy? Watch the webinar recording below to learn why lead conversion is just as important as lead generation, how to find quality leads, and how to keep your repeat and referral business humming along. Webinar Guest Phil Hollander, VP of Business and Professional Development, Morris Marketing Video Timeline 0:00 - Host Phil Hollander introduces himself and the webinar topic. 5:00 - What type of real estate agent do you want to be? 6:13 - What does having a vision for your business look like? 7:29 - Why you need to generate a steady flow of leads. 7:55 - The Lead Spectrum: a different way to look at leads. 11:33 - Two ways to evaluate a lead. 13:09 - The ideal lead situation. 15:14 - The four dominant personality types of lead generation and conversion. 23:50 - A look at the Prospector and Converter personality types. 25:56 - A look at the Networker and Marketer personality types. 28:59 - How are clients choosing agents these days? 29:57 - Why having a systems-based business is critical to your success. 33:51 - The Success System for generating and converting leads. 36:15 - Component #1 of the Success System: Direct mail newsletter. 40:32 - Component #2 of the Success System: Email newsletter. 41:17 - Component #3 of the Success System: Market updates. 42:29 - Component #4 of the Success System: Birthday and move-in anniversary outreach. 43:01 - Component #5 of the Success System: Phone calls. 44:09 - Component #6 of the Success System: In-person client events. 45:20 - Component #7 of the Success System: Annual real estate checkup. 47:29 - Component #8 of the Success System: Your website. 49:08 - Component #9 of the Success System: Blog and social media content. 51:21 - Strategies for qualifying your database. 53:31 - Quick overview of what we've learned so far. 54:50 - Does the Success System work for new agents? 58:21 - Learn more about the Client Referrals system with a free 20-minute consultation. Next Steps Contact Phil Hollander via email or at 800-308-6134 ext. 217 for a free 20-minute consultation Visit MorrisMarketingGroup.com to learn more Read articles about Lead Generation, or explore more Lead Generation solutions in our Product Directory Watch more webinars
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