
Create Successful Facebook Advertisements by Answering These 4 Questions

June 16 2015

HDC Facebook Ad Tips 4 questionsThere are more than 30 billion pieces of content being shared on Facebook each month, so even the greatest of content strategies will occasionally fall victim to the "noise" that haunts anyone trying to market their business on social media. The good news is that if you're willing to dedicate the time and a little extra cash, Facebook advertising offers the ideal way to avoid this common problem.

Facebook advertising, when managed correctly, offers a low risk but highly rewarding way to get more out of the time you spend on social media. There's a lot that goes into setting up a successful advertising campaign, so understanding the "ins and outs" of this process is the key to making it work. Here are the most important considerations that need to be made before you begin your next (or first) Facebook advertising campaign!

1. What's Your Goal?

First things first, you need to identify why you're running ads. Is it to get more traction on an awesome piece of content? Promote your business page? Drive more traffic to your website? Whatever it is, Facebook offers an option for it. Your goal should be clearly defined because, if you choose the wrong option, odds are you won't get the results that you were hoping for.

2. Who is Your Target Audience?

This could be the most important part of the ad creation process. If you choose the wrong audience, it can lead to less than desirable results and could keep you from getting the most bang for your buck. Facebook offers tons of targeting options based on location, interests, behaviors and demographics that allow you to specify exactly who will see your ads. It would be a good idea to go in and play around with these options before making your ads live to ensure that you have an optimized targeting strategy.

3. What Will Your Ad Look Like?

An effective advertising campaign is all about the value proposition. The creative for your ad should include eye catching graphics, inspiring headlines and strong calls-to-action. It's smart to position the incentive of your ad as prominently as possible because the first thing a user will think about before clicking on it is, "What's in it for me?" You'll have a better handle on this part of the process after running a few successful campaigns, but best practice is to create multiple ads and test them all to identify which of them are performing the best.

4. How Much Will You Spend?

The cool thing about Facebook advertising is that you can spend as little or as much as you want on any one campaign. Once you've determined your budget for a particular campaign, you can then designate the amount you'd like to spend each day or for the lifetime of the campaign. As you change your budgeting options, Facebook will provide you with the estimated number of people your ad will reach each day based on the average performance of ads targeted to your selected audience.

More and more real estate professionals are relying on Facebook advertising to promote their business because it works! These tips will give you a good starting point for creating your next ad campaign, but you can head over to Facebook's advertising guide to find out more specifics.

To view the original article, visit the Homes.com blog.