
Leveraging YouTube to Connect with Customers

September 21 2011

youtube With nearly 500 million unique visitors per month, YouTube™ frequently ranks among the most highly trafficked websites in the world.

Many REATLORS® are using YouTube™ for the same reason any other businesses do: millions of people use it every day! It’s a fantastic platform to showcase properties, introduce yourself, boost your brand and inspire people contact you immediately.

Here are a few tips on how to use YouTube™ to your advantage:

Make quality videos- The viral nature of YouTube™ should incentivize you to make quality videos. Viewers won’t be inclined to share a video if it’s bad (unless it’s really bad and goes viral for the wrong reasons). Never put out a video that would make one question your integrity and competency. 

Some Basic Considerations for Agents Using Video in Their Marketing

Create a Channel- A YouTube™ channel allows you to categorize your videos with topics and keywords that make it easier for your viewers to find what they’re looking for. You need to tag your videos with phrases commonly used by your target market in order optimize the results on both YouTube™ and Google™.  YouTube™ channels also make it possible to make playlists that direct your customers to similar videos that may be of great use to them.

View DotLoop’s YouTube Channel: DotLoop TV

Interact with viewers- People will leave comments and you need to respond to them. This is an excellent form of engagement to establish relationships with potential clients.

YouTube has provided an immensely pervasive platform for people to share a variety of content. Many REALTORS® in particular have found the site to be a useful source of generating leads or awareness for their brand.

As a REALTOR®, are you building a YouTube™ presence to reach new clients?

View the original post on the DotLoop blog.