
Working with Other Business Professionals to Sponsor a Home Expert Seminar

November 13 2013

journalistSay you want to sponsor a home expert seminar for your past clients (a great idea, by the way). You know a local expert who would be the perfect choice for a talk on home landscaping. You've heard him speak before and his presentations are fact-filled and engaging.

How do you get him to say "Yes" to your seminar?

Here are some suggestions:

  • Get in touch with the expert and ask if you can speak to him in person for a few minutes, perhaps over a coffee or lunch. He is likely to be more receptive to your invitation if you meet with him face-to-face.
  • Fully explain your idea for the seminar. Provide information about the topic, location, prosposed dates, duration and audience. Make it real. The more clearly he can visualize the event, the more likely he is to say "Yes."
  • Make sure he understands that you're committed to the event, and that you'll be doing everything you can to ensure its success.
  • Tell him that you will promote the event in your monthly real estate newsletter (the fact that you stay in regular contact with clients will help convince him that you can fill the event).
  • Be flexible. If he has an objection to the location or date, make the necessary changes (if possible) to accommodate his needs.
  • Let him know what's in it for him. Events like these are win-win. You build client loyalty, which leads to more repeat business and referrals. He gets in front of a room filled with potential clients.

If he says "Yes" to your seminar idea, be sure to mail him a real estate thank you card. Remember, you're not just getting a great speaker for your event, you're also cultivating a referral source.

Takeaway point: With a little friendly persuasion, you can schedule the ideal presenter for your home expert seminar.

Have you hosted a home expert seminar? Do you plan to do so in the future? Please leave a comment below!

To view the original article, visit the IXACT Contact blog.