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Facts & Trends™
Trendgraphix’s Facts & Trends™ is an online local market trending reports system for brokers and their agents. These reports offer brokers an instant pricing-trend report for any neighborhood or city served. These reports provide critical market data easily accessed through a user-friendly web-based interface. Reports cover a 15-month time period and visually demonstrate current, historical, and seasonal trends in pricing, inventory and days-on-the market. Features include: 100% online reports – no software to download or install Ridiculously easy interface – virtually no training needed Visually compelling graphs as well as detailed data table Detailed information down to zip-code level and that can be sliced-and-diced by property-type, price-range, date-range, and other key criteria Handy sharing tools built right in - email, presentation-quality printouts, save charts as image files, and even generate a widget for their website Hands-off deployment for brokers – no internal resources needed to launch and maintain. Brokers can give their agents access via one simple link Easily verifiable – Trendgraphix uses only MLS data Facts & Trends reports help determine supply and demand, appreciation and depreciation, price and negotiation factors. Data presented in these reports assists in forecasting the future with pending sales statistics. These reports are also using to help negotiate listing terms based on the added value their market-knowledge provides. These reports also provide a clear picture of competition and identify new areas and opportunities to farm business. Reports include information on Sale vs. Sold, Price per Square Foot, Days on Market and Sold/List Price, and Average Price for Sale/Sold. They also provide graphs and data showing Months of
Gone are the days of cumbersome data manipulation – simply locate an area on a map and select it. FastStats is an interactive map that allows users to access local trend reports, making it easy to store and call on all of your market

Strategic Planning

Judith Lindenau offers professional strategic planning consulting services. This service is available to all real estate agents, brokers and firms. Judith has been a consultant to the real estate industry for many years. Judith focuses her strategic planning on the entire organization.

The approach Judith uses in conducting a strategic planning session is a goals-based one. Goals-based planning begins with focusing on the organization's mission (and vision and/or values), then moves to which goals work toward the mission. Then she targets strategies to achieve the goals, and action planning (who will do what, and when, and what resources will be needed).

The benefits of an organizational strategic plan are:

1. The plan clearly defines the purpose of the organization and establishes realistic goals and objectives consistent with that mission in a defined time frame and within organizational capacity.
2. The plan communicates those goals and objectives to the organization’s constituents.
3. The plan helps the organization efficiently utilize its resources.
4. The plan provides accountability and measurement of successes.
5. The process of planning encourages group consensus.
6. The plan builds a bridge between staff and leadership.
7. The plan provides the glue that keeps the board together, encourages teamwork, and overrides personal agendas.
Most of Judith’s work is done prior to her visit with the planners. An environmental scan and SWOT analysis can be conducted online and through telephone calls, and the results of the plan will be presented within two weeks of her visit for review and approval of the planners. Judith will also make follow up support calls to association staff regarding implementation of the plan.


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This interactive data tool changes the way real estate professionals use, display and share housing information. InfoSparks is customizable and allows users to easily perform trend analysis on up to four areas at the same time. Select an area, choose a metric, filter results and share! It's even possible to draw and save your own custom areas. Harness the power of local market data with minimal effort.

Gone are the days of cumbersome data manipulation – simply locate an area on a map and select it. FastStats is an interactive map that allows users to access local trend reports, making it easy to store and call on all of your market reports.